I got a photography tattoo...
I got a camera tattoo... I just love photography that much. Check out my latest video over on YouTube to see it. Also, have a look at...

How to EASILY photograph the NIGHT SKY and edit in Lightroom
I've just uploaded a tutorial video to YouTube. It's a quick run-through of how to take an astrolandscape image on location and use some...

One year on YouTube - 5 things I've learned
I've been recording videos for my photography vlog for a year now and have learned a lot along the way! Here are my top five things that...

YouTube channel trailer
I finally managed to put together a trailer for my YouTube Channel. I'd been struggling with the pacing and actually putting the...

Astrophotography seascapes & wildlife photography at night...
I travelled to Saltburn-by-the-Sea on the North Yorkshire coast for some astrophotography and seascape photography in this episode of the...

Landscape photography on your doorstep
A thought hit me whilst out running: I don't make the most of what's on my doorstep for landscape photography. Hands up which landscape...

Not a wedding photography vlog...
To cut a long story short, half way through making this episode I had a slight identity crisis and decided that as far as my vlogging /...

RODE Videomicro unboxing and real world review
For my latest YouTube video I unbox and roadtest the Rode Videomicro, one of Rode's great, and powerful, microphones for cameras,...

New vlog on Youtube - urban landscape photography at night
This episode I spend a couple of nights photographing some urban landscapes and nightscapes in Sheffield, with varying results. Me and my...

Launching my new YouTube photography channel
Something I've been playing with the idea of for a good while now is starting a YouTube channel about all things photography. It seems to...